Factors of Employee Motivation


Factors of Employee Motivation

Motivation is an important stimulus that influences human behavior (VARMA, 2017) Because no two people have the same attitude or behavior, organizations must develop practices that will satisfy the group as a whole rather than just an individual (VARMA, 2017) Organizations should be able to identify and evaluate internal motivation derived by employees from job satisfaction and supplement it with external motivation as needed, for which organizations should consider motivation theories (VARMA, 2017)

 Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation occurs when people believe that their work is important, interesting, and challenging, and that it provides them with a reasonable degree of autonomy (freedom to act), opportunities to achieve and advance, and opportunities to use and develop their skills and abilities (Armstrong, 2014) It can be described as work-related motivation (Armstrong, 2014) It is not the result of external incentives (Armstrong, 2014) According to Deci and Ryan (1985), intrinsic motivation is based on the need to be competent and self-determining (that is, to have a choice) (Armstrong, 2014) When people are engaged in an activity they consider intrinsically worthwhile, offering money may weaken their motivation by "crowding out" their intrinsic interest or commitment, according to Michael Sandel (2012: 122) (Armstrong, 2014) 

An individual is motivated by internal desires when they engage in intrinsic motivation. (Jain, et al., 2019) 

Intrinsic motivation is defined as internal desires to complete a specific task. People engage in certain activities because they find them enjoyable, help them develop a skill, or are morally correct (B. Reena, 2010) 

Variety of skills, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback According to Pink (2009), there are three steps that managers can take to improve motivation (Armstrong, 2014)


1 Autonomy – encourage people to set their own schedule and focus on getting work done not how it is done (Armstrong, 2014)

2 Mastery – help people to identify the steps they can take to improve and ask them to identify how they will know they are making progress (Armstrong, 2014)

 3 Purpose – when giving instructions explain the why as well as the how (Armstrong, 2014)

Extrinsic Motivation 

When things are done to or for people in order to motivate them, this is extrinsic motivation (Armstrong, 2014) These include incentives, raises in pay, praise, or promotions as rewards; and disciplinary measures, pay withholding, or criticism as penalties (Armstrong, 2014) Extrinsic motivators can have a quick and strong impact, but it won't always last (Armstrong, 2014) The intrinsic motivators, which are focused on the "quality of working life" (a phrase and movement that emerged from this concept), are likely to have a deeper and longer-lasting impact because they are ingrained in people and their work rather than being imposed from the outside in the form of incentive pay, for example (Armstrong, 2014) The motivation theory outlined below explains how internal and extrinsic motivation occur (Armstrong, 2014) 

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is a type of motivation in which an individual is motivated by desires outside of themselves (Jain, et al., 2019) 

Extrinsic motivation refers to factors that are external to the individual and unrelated to the task at hand (B. Reena, 2010)



Armstrong, M., 2014. Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. 13 ed. London: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.

B. Reena, M. M. P. C. R. H. B. P., 2010. Motivation: Extrinsic and Intrinsic. Motivation: Extrinsic and Intrinsic, 10:12(2010), pp. 146-152.

Jain, ,. D. A., Gupta, D. B. & Meenakshi, D. B., 2019. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research. A Study of Employee Motivation in Organization, 9(6), pp. 65-68.

VARMA, D., 2017. International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research. IMPORTANCE OF EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION & JOB SATISFACTION FOR ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE, 6(2)(2017), pp. 10-20.



  1. Agreed, As a different perspective, Different motivational factors including hygiene factors, such as, job satisfaction, rewards, leadership styles and communication have an impact on employee performance (Potgieter and Tait, 2013).

    1. Agreed with you, and also employees are motivated by factors such as salary increases and a pleasant working environment (Jain, et al., 2019)

  2. Agreed with the content. Further, The secret to motivate employee’s self-worth at work is understanding and inspiring them. Employees can learn through training how their work fits within the structure, mission, and goals of their employer. When workers see the value of their labor, they frequently become more motivated. However, incentive training may not be the same as instruction in fundamental skills(Chintalloo and Mahadeo, 2013).

    1. Thank you for your comment & also training is both focused on and evaluated against an individual's current job; training refers to bridging the gap between current performance and desired performance (Garavan, 1997) (Oluwaseun, 2018)

  3. According to research, rewards increase employee motivation, which in turn directly affects how well they perform (Kalimullah, et al., 2010). Rewards are management techniques that, in theory, increase a company's effectiveness by changing the behavior of an individual or a group. All organizations use salaries, promotion, bonuses, and other forms of compensation to incentivize and reward exceptional work from their employees. Effective managers must take into account remuneration structures, which should take into account the value the organization places on each job, payment based on performance, personal or special allowances, fringe benefits, pensions (Rukhmani et al 2010).

    1. Adding to your comment Ranga, furthermore It is a widely held and not unreasonable belief that increased job satisfaction leads to increased performance. The entire human relations movement, led by Mayo (1933) and supported by Roethlisberger and Dixon (1939) research, was based on the belief that increasing worker satisfaction, primarily through pleasant and supportive supervision and meeting their social needs, could increase productivity (Armstrong, 2014)

  4. Agreed Farhan, Intrinsic rewards elicit a positive emotional reaction and work to motivate employees to continue to improve as well as make lasting behavioral changes when needed (Ryan and Deci, 2020)

    1. Thank you for your comment & furthermore, a variety of factors motivate an employee, determining what is most valuable and important to the employee. As a rule, this is a combination of factors that, when combined, form a map or set of employee motivators. These factors are classified as external and internal (Jain, et al., 2019)

  5. According to (Legault, 2016) Intrinsic motivation (IM) refers to behaviors that are inherently satisfying or enjoyable. Extrinsic motivation (EM) refers to the performance of a behavior that is fundamentally dependent on achieving an outcome that is separable from the action itself.

    1. And also, Upul instead of being motivated by the desire to look better and feel better, imagine Bob was under pressure from his significant other to slim down and improve his physical appearance so that she would be more drawn to him (Jain, et al., 2019) Extrinsic motivation is demonstrated by the fact that this weight originates (Jain, et al., 2019)

  6. Agreed Farhan, Further, extrinsic motivation is about behavior inclined by obtaining external rewards Praise or positive feedback, money, and the absence of punishment are examples of extrinsic rewards. Deci [2009] posits that intrinsic motivation is the enthusiasm to do something simply for the pleasure of that particular activity. Examples of intrinsic factors are work enrichment, recognition, growth, and achievement. Linz [1990] noted that quite a number of studies have found a positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and job performance and between intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction. This is significant to organizations in today's competitive business environment because intrinsically motivated employees perform better and, therefore, more productive and satisfied employees remain loyal to their organization hence low turnover.

    1. Thank you for your valuable comment. Add furthermore Derrick, Internal recruitment saves money while increasing employee satisfaction and morale. Spend some time on recruiting or encourage current employees before looking for talent outside the company (Abdullah & Rahman, 2015) (hamza, et al., 2021)

  7. Farhan, interesting article. Further research also shows that if an employee is rewarded through the organization their behaviour is not affected when it comes to knowledge sharing among employees. However, if an employee is motivated intrinsically they are more likely to share their knowledge, attitudes, and intentions to a better work place environment (Lin, 2007).

    1. Agree with you Dehara & add more further, Incentive motivation, also known as reward-based motivation, is a type of motivation in which you or others are aware that they will be rewarded if a specific goal is met (Jain, et al., 2019) Because there will be something to look forward to at the end of an errand, individuals will frequently turn out to be increasingly determined to oversee the undertaking in order to get whatever has been guaranteed (Jain, et al., 2019) The greater the prize, the more grounded the inspiration! (Jain, et al., 2019)

  8. This is an interesting article and agreed with your points. The organization can easily achieve goals with motivated employees. I went through another research paper by CAROLINE Njambi C. (2014), that explains how extrinsic factors such as pay, fringe benefits, work environment, work conditions, job security, and intrinsic factor in the desire of an individual to perform his work well can affect to increase the employees' motivation.

    1. Agree with you Visithag & in another way Job satisfaction can boost intrinsic motivation design. Katz (1964) proposed that jobs be in themselves provide enough variety, complexity, and challenge and skill to engage the participants' abilities worker (Armstrong, 2014)

  9. Good article Farhan. Intrinsic motivation denotes the performance of an action out of interest, whereas, extrinsic motivation arises from external or socially created reason (Legault, 2016)

    1. Thank you for valuable comments & also Extrinsic motivators can have both immediate and long-term effects, powerful effect, but it will not last forever (Armstrong, 2014) The intrinsic motivators are those that are concerned with 'Working Life Quality' (a phrase and a movement) that arose from this concept), are very likely to have because they have a more profound and long-term impact inherent in people and work - and are not imposed from without in the form of incentive pay (Armstrong, 2014)

  10. I agree with your content and i would like to add that monetary compensation, leadership style, job enrichment, organizational information management and quality of work environment influences motivation (Njambi, 2014)

    1. And also, Hemantraj Job satisfaction can boost intrinsic motivation design. Katz (1964) proposed that jobs be in themselves provide enough variety, complexity, and challenge and skill to engage the participants' abilities worker (Armstrong, 2014)

  11. Interesting article Farhan. Furthermore, communication skills, crisis management, interpersonal relations, decision-making, conflict management, error management, risk-taking, reward management, trust, supervision, and guidance affected the motivational climate in the workplace from the perspective of the employees. According to the research, involving employees in decision-making will increase their motivation (Vioasami et al., 2001)

    1. Agree with you Miyuru & furthermore, Incentive motivation, also known as reward-based motivation, is a type of motivation in which you or others are aware that they will be rewarded if a specific goal is met (Jain, et al., 2019) Because there will be something to look forward to at the end of an errand, individuals will frequently turn out to be increasingly determined to oversee the undertaking in order to get whatever has been guaranteed (Jain, et al., 2019) The greater the prize, the more grounded the inspiration! (Jain, et al., 2019)

  12. Agree with you & furthermore according to Yoder, Recruitment is the process of identifying sources of manpower to meet the staffing schedule's requirements and implementing effective measures to attract that manpower in sufficient numbers to facilitate effective workforce selection (Gupta & Kumar, 2014)

  13. Agreed with your content Farhan. Additionally, Mal (2019) states that there are nine factors to impact everyone's motivation. They are salary, non-monetary incentives, relationship with colleagues, relationship with leadership, company’s culture, learning and development opportunities, processes within the company, personal life and performing meaningful work.

    1. And also incentive motivation, also known as reward-based motivation, is a type of motivation in which you or others are aware that they will be rewarded if a specific goal is met (Jain, et al., 2019) Because there will be something to look forward to at the end of an errand, individuals will frequently turn out to be increasingly determined to oversee the undertaking in order to get whatever has been guaranteed (Jain, et al., 2019) The greater the prize, the more grounded the inspiration! (Jain, et al., 2019)

  14. Interesting blog. Abzari and Sadri (2011) argued that if there is high motivation,
    employees work harder, the workplace becomes more joyful, absenteeism will be reduced, satisfaction will be enhanced, workplace rules and regulations will be observed, and employees will do their best to actualize the organization's goals and strategies. According to Abbah (2014), employees with high motivation are thought to have better work performance, and overall resulting in a better, more productive and effective institutional performance.

  15. While forwarding a credit let me add a few points Farhan. Adams (1965) stated employees will attempt to restore equity through various means, some of which may be counter-productive to organizational goals and objectives. For instance, employees who feel their work is not being appreciated may work less or undervalue the work of other employees.
    Accordingly, sometimes a small appreciation, and recognition would do a BIG motivational feeling in the mindset of employees.


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